
Friday 22 February 2013


PlayStation 4 (PS4) has been announced by sony but what about the games ? Well, not to worry because Sony also announced a healthy roster of games for the new console, which should be good enough to get you going when the PS4 launches later this year.

One of the first major titles is the new ‘Killzone: Shadow Fall’. The new game is set thirty years after the events in ‘Killzone 3′ in a new world with a new hero. The Helghast and the Vektans have been living side by side peacefully in this new city, but not for long.

You are a Shadow Marshal and part of a special force and it’s your job to maintain the balance between the two factions. The video below shows in game footage, with some amazing lighting and particle effects. The character animations, however, are surprisingly stiff, in some cases.

Next is Bungie’s ‘Destiny’. For those who are not aware, Bungie was previously owned by Microsoft and is the same company responsible for the ‘Halo’ series of games on the Xbox and they are making their PlayStation debut with ‘Destiny’, a new futuristic first person shooter. The game will be available on the new PS4 as well as the current PS3 and Xbox 360, with some exclusive content for the two Sony consoles

Next is a new inFAMOUS game, ‘inFAMOUS: Second Son’. The game features a new character Delsin Rowe who can direct, manipulate and transform into smoke and is based in Seattle, seven years since the Cole McGrath events. The trailer you see below is made using the game’s engine, running on the new PS4.

Along with these, there are a few more games, including ‘Knack’, ‘The Witness’, ‘DriveClub’, ‘DeepDown’ (working title) and ‘Watch_Dogs’.

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