
Wednesday 12 December 2012



Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad (1165 – 1257) was a Syrian-born member of the Levantine Brotherhood of Assassins, and served as their Mentor from 1191 until his death in 1257. During his tenure as Mentor, Altaïr made several discoveries and inventions that greatly helped the Order's progression, and his leadership saw to the spread of the Assassins' influence in the Old World. He was an ancestor to Desmond Miles.

Raised to be an Assassin from birth, Altaïr obtained the rank of Master Assassin by his twenty-fourth year. However, following his failure to obtain the Apple from Robert de Sable in early 1191, and subsequently allowing the Templars to attack the city of Masyaf, headquarters to the Order of Assassins, he was demoted to the rank of novice and sent on a quest for redemption.

Tasked with the deaths of nine individuals, who, unbeknown to him, made up the ranks of the Templar Order in the Holy Land, Altaïr began a quest to change his ways and liberate the Kingdom from the corruption of the nine. During his quest however, Altaïr learned of a plot far more sinister than originally believed. Completing his mission to kill the nine targets, and cleansing the Order of its treacherous leader Al Mualim, Altaïr rose to the rank of Mentor, taking the Assassins into a new, more secretive direction.

With the Apple in hand, Altaïr changed the ways his Order lived their lives; writing the details in his fabled Codex for later generations of the Order to read. Altaïr's vision of the Assassin Order was for them to be across the world living among the people and started setting up Assassins Guilds during his tenure as Mentor. During his adventures Altaïr strengthened the Order, stopped the Templars various times and was able to prevent the uprising of Genghis Khan.


Born in 1459, Ezio was a young Florentine Noble who lived in Florence during the 15th century. Ezio led an affluent, care-free lifestyle until a tragic turn of events changed his life forever. Betrayed by corrupt Nobles, Ezio's family were the victims of an evil plot that ultimately took the lives of his father and brothers. Of the Auditore men, only Ezio was able to escape. Through Ezio's help however, both his mother and younger sister managed to survive, finding a way to the escape the city with him. According to the Florentine Guard's record books, Ezio appeared as a womanizer, with guards rarely able to capture him.

Ezio Auditore da Firenze (1459–1524) is a fictional character and one of the main protagonists of Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed series. He is an ancestor of Desmond Miles, though he himself is not a direct descendant of Altaïr. He is also the earliest known link between the lineages of "Subject 16" and that of Desmond. Also, to continue with the tradition of the reference to an eagle, Ezio is derived from the greek word Aetos, meaning eagle.


Ratonhnhaké:ton (1756 - unknown), also known by the adopted name of Connor, was a Native American Assassin of the Kanien'kehá:ka during the American Revolutionary War. He was an ancestor of Desmond Miles.

Born to Haytham Kenway and Kaniehtí:io, Ratonhnhaké:ton was raised among his mother's village in Kanatahséton. His childhood was spent in the company of the other children in his village, including Kanen'tó:kon, whom he remained close friends with into his later life. When Ratonhnhaké:ton was five, he was assaulted by several members of the Templar Order, who were seeking the Precursor site rumored to be near Kanatahséton. He demanded to know the name of the leader of the group, and Charles Lee answered him, amused why he wanted to know. Ratonhnhaké:ton promised that he would find him, but the Templar only brushed off his statement.
Ratonhnhaké:ton's life was spared, though he was knocked unconscious, and woke to find his village in flames; an attack that he mistakenly assumed that Lee and his Templar brethren had been responsible for. The event took Ratonhnhaké:ton's mother from him, and would later prompt him to seek justice for his people and fight tyranny wherever he saw it.


Either Ezio or Connor, as while Altair may be the first assassin we play as, we see immediate improvements of style and methods for things such as fighting and free running. when we  played as Connor, one could only imagine that his skill will also be much improved since Ezio. Ezio also uses much more advanced and powerful weaponry compared to Altair, though it was Altair that learned many formula's to creating these from the apple. Connor also may use a tomahawk, but these are much easier to use in combat and much easier to master, and will more than likely have developed a better fighting style. The range of weaponry which Connor has at his disposal is also of good quality and is very useful.

  • Connor Kenway: Clothing and Equipment


  • So here is my conclusion when it comes to fighting hands up to Connor.
  • When is comes to looks and weapons(especially double blade) EZIO scores.
  • But when its comes to assassin, ALTAIR ranks above all because is he not just an assassin, he is THE ASSASSIN. 


This post is made in response to a comment on :

Assassin's Creed 3 review: Declination of independence 


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